Myrtle Beach Neighborhoods
Near Myrtle Beach
Near Charleston
Woodlyn Meadows, Little River, SC
A Neo-Traditional Neighborhood From Tidewater Builders
By Michael Gaffney

"Tidewater Homes has made the effort to design homes that can be built in their clients' price ranges without compromising quality."
When Scott Sutherland talks about Tidewater Builders, you can hear the excitement in his voice about how his company does things.
And this is the case for Woodlyn Meadow, a new Tidewater Builders neighborhood in Little River, just at mile and a quarter from the Route 31 and 90 intersection and only a few minutes from downtown Myrtle Beach and the ocean. The area is an older property that never had been cleared for development.
"We all are looking for the neighborhood we grew up in," Sutherland feels. "Everybody wants sidewalks, wider lots, sizable front yards with garages set back, grass in the center of the driveway, and lawns that are sodded, front and back."
An Outdoor Swimming Pool With An "Indoor" Porch
Woodlyn Meadow has a neighborhood-size swimming pool that is, of course, located outdoors. But an interesting twist is the sitting porch adjacent to the pool.
The porch is screened in! That's so youngsters, parents, oldsters and grandparents can enjoy the pool activities with a sanctuary from the sun and any critters that crawl or fly.
There are changing rooms available to bathers. And there are basketball courts for the young and young at heart who enjoy exercise of a livelier nature.
Neo-Traditional Style With An Emphasis On Convenience
Houses here are designed for the comfort of older adults, as well as the convenience of young parents. Of the 10 styles of architecture offered, most are single story. Two story floor plans all have at least one bedroom on the ground floor. And that means there's never the expense and inconvenience of having to install an elevator in any of the designs. Additionally, all houses are framed in wood. And they are built to the highest standards for wind and weather resistance.
A total of 142 homes will make up Woodlyn Meadow when it is finished. The sizes of the homes range from 1,500 to 2,400 square feet. Prices range from $160,000 to $300,000. Homes can be customized to some extent by choices of added options.
Tidewater Homes has made the effort to design homes that can be built in these price ranges without compromising quality. "We still build $500,000-plus homes in other properties we have," says Sutherland. "But there is a world of people who want a lower price range without lowering their standards. That's why we work with the same suppliers and quality builders for homes in Woodlyn Meadow as we do in the more expensive properties."
Published from a previous issue of Carolina Homes & Interiors Magazine